Forests for your community
Use your influence to do some good and inspire others to do the same. Give back to your community and the environment by growing a beautiful forest.

Benefits of your forest

Environmental Impact
Your forests will sequester carbon, reduce noise and air pollution, increase biodiversity and cool down your city.
You will have a tangible and visual demonstration of your commitment to the environment.

Social Impact
Your forest will not only beautify your city, but it will also make nature accessible to everyone in your community.
Being in nature contributes to the overall physical, emotional and mental wellbeign of all humans.

Your forest is specially designed to build biodiversity. Biodiversity is necessary to balance and make healthy ecosystems.
You’re giving a home to many different species of birds, pollinators, trees and animals. Some which are endangered.
What your forest could be
For your employees, your guests, your clients and all your community

Nature space for families

Outdoor working space

Sports & recreation facility
How it works

Forest Location
The only real requirement is the spot has to receive a minimum of seven hours of sunlight.
To have the feeling of a forest, we recommend your patch to be at least 4m wide, but it can be smaller.

Forest Design
Allow your imagination to run wild. Think forest shape, sitting areas, walkways, beehives or maybe even a pool.
On our part, we need to assess a few things such as your soil, elevation and the kind of trees best suited for your place.

Forest Creation
This is the funnest part. Join in, organize your community to help or just sit back and relax; your forest is on its way.
There’s very little maintenance once the forest is planted. We will give you a short training on what needs to be done.
A few details

Native Trees
The Miyawaki Method requires we only plant native trees, based on surrounding forest surveys.
Your forest will not have many common trees. But worry not, as you’re about to be introduced to indigenous foods.

Costs vary quite a bit. Much depends on design. For a simple forest, we’re looking at about Rp. 20,000,000 per 100 square m.
Please don’t let money stop you from planting your own forest. Contact us and let’s figure out how to make it happen.

Rainy Season
Rainy season complicates things a bit, as the soil work required becomes more difficult to do.
If it’s a small forest, this is not a problem. If you’re thinking large, it might be better to wait til’ the dry season.
Forest Details
What if I don't have the space to make a forest?
Don’t worry. Please have a look at our eco real estate option; it might be just what you’re looking for. Alternatively, we can always plant a tiny forest somewhere in your garden. We recommend a minimum of 4m wide.
How many trees will my forest have?
In order to encourage fast growth, we need to plant trees very close together so they cannot grow sideways and can only go up. This means we plant a minimum of three trees per square m. So, you’re looking at about 300-500 trees per 100 square m. We plant a minimum of 15 different species, but we usually go higher than that.
Is my soil good enough to grow a forest?
In order to ensure success, we need to make sure your soil is as close to forest soil as possible. To do this, we dig out all your soil to a depth of one meter and mix it with amendments that will improve its overall quality.
We will test your soil and determine the quantity needed of the following amendments:
– A water retention material, such as coco peat.
– A perforation material, such as rice husk.
– A nutrient material, such as manure.
– A microbial solution, such as homemade indigenous microorganisms.
What does maintenance look like?
Maintenance is quite easy. You’ll need to water every day (during dry season) for about two or three years. And, you’ll need to remove any weeds that grow from time to time. After that, the forest will be self-sustaining and there won’t be anything else to do but enjoy.
Will the forests attract snakes?
One of the biggest benefits of a Miyawaki forest is the huge increase in biodiversity. Your forest will attract birds, insects and all sorts of other visitors. Snakes might be attracted to come find a meal or to enjoy the cool temperatures from time to time, but they much rather live under rocks or in the rice fields. The mice and rats that regularly visit our homes are much more attractive to snakes than your forest.
Is it true banana trees are not trees?
Indeed, they’re not. Banana “trees” are actually a herb. If you think about it, it makes sense, the banana trunk is not made out of wood.
Can I have a couple of non-native trees?
Non native trees will only compete with the native trees. Eventually, one of them will not make it.
If you want to ensure success, we can’t have non-native trees in your forest.
If you need to have a non-native tree on your property, we can plant it outside your forest. As long as the leaf litter and its seeds don’t fall on your forest, it should be ok.
Will my forest be organic?
Once the forest is planted, you won’t need to add anything but water to it. The forest is well equipped to take care of itself, so yes, it will be 100% organic.
During soil work, we need to add a few materials to improve the quality of the soil. You will have the option to use organic or non-organic materials.
Admin Details
How long will it take for my forest to be ready?
There are many factors that can influence timing, such as the size of your forest, the area where you are located, your design and tree sapling availability.
A small forest, with a simple design, from an area where we’ve previously surveyed a forest, can be ready in one week.
What are the costs of planting a forest?
Like we mentioned above, costs can vary quite a bit between different forests. It all depends on the wants and needs of each client. That said, every forest will have the following base costs:
1. Tree saplings: our forests are ultra dense and very biodiverse. We plant between 300-500 trees per 100 square meters, with a minimum of 15 different species.
2. Soil work: in order to mimic a forest floor, we need to dig up all the site to a depth of 1m and add quite a lot of other materials to improve soil quality.
3. Project management: this includes all the admin stuff, design work, forests surveys, labor costs and the bit of profit we take.
Will you come to my city to help me plant my forest?
Yes, of course! We are based in Bali, but we’re happy to come to any other island. Or, if you live in another country, we can come visit you too. The more forests, the better.
Can I help to plant my forest?
Yes, of course! You are welcomed to be as engaged as you want. Feel free to invite friends and family to help too.
Do you provide support after planting is finished?
Yes, we will come check on your forest on months 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24.
We are always available to answer any questions you may have.
Miyawaki Details
Why the Miyawaki Method?
Giving money to plant trees somewhere in a remote location just didn’t work for us. We want to give people the opportunity to have a direct and tangible action that supports the environment.
The Miyawaki Method does exactly that. It empowers people to bring forests into their homes, communities and workplaces.
The Miyawaki method has been widely successful all over the world. So, we thought this was perfect for Indonesia.
What are the benefits of a Miyawaki Forests?
Besides the benefits of having more green in our cities, Miyawaki Forests are designed to mimic and bring back the forests of old. Thus, they create full ecosystems where biodiversity thrives.
Our forests will sequester carbon, reduce noise and air pollution, cool down our cities, beautify them and make it easier for humans to access nature.
How do Miyawaki forests compare to conventional tree plantations?
Miyawaki forests are designed to build biodiversity. By only planting native species in an ultra dense manner, we are creating forests that are 30x more dense, grow 10x faster and 100x more biodiverse.
Conventional plantations plant non-native tree species in a monoculture manner. These forests have minimal social impact as they’re always tucked away in remote areas.